News about the 4th edition of the Festival that will take place in Berlin all through the year 2008. The information about the former editions that were held on 22-26 november 2006, 13-22 february 2007 and 1-29 august, 2007 are still to be found somewhere in the jungle of this blop.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Found Tapes and Found Recorders

Yesterday Harold Schellinx arived from Paris via Amsterdam. No, he arived the day before yesterday; the snow arived yesterday evening, and covered all the trees that we encountered on our deepnight ride home along Puschkin Allee and Alt Treptow. That yester yesterday (Stevie Wonder singing in the background) was a splendorous day, blu sky, no clouds, beautifull winterllght over a mideuropean town in the early weeks of 2007.

We were going on bicycle to Gallery Takt. In ten minutes of cycling Harold had to stop two times to collect some found tapes, at the other side of the road. Not to frustrate his art of tapehunting, but still to get away from this stop and go rhythm, I took the road along the Rummelsburger See, a scenic path, rather for joggers and grandparents without their grandchild as for a fanatic tapehunter and collector like Harold.

Galleries are not exciting, so I won't say a word about the exhibitions. Maybe I'll put some pictures up on the various blops. This doesn't mean that gallery Takt, or the Transitlounge are closed. I, for my part, discourage people to come. I am actually recording a new cassette there. I won't chase visitors away. But I will give them my dictaphone and send them outside for some time, to catch some sounds.

Yesterday Magnus came walking in. I gave him my dictaphone and he returned after some five minutes. Then we spent 35 minutes to find the piece he had recorded. At the end we had to conclude that he had recorded a very minimalistic piece of silence with the pause button put on hold. Then he disappeared some longer time. And came back with a very quiet piece. "Streets are deserted at this time of the day." Lucky him. He wanted to stay twenty minutes, just to bring some pieces of tape he had collected over the years, but stayed untill closing time, also because his recording was running on low pitch.

in the meantime I had finished my first seven minutes, had made a 16.47 minutes live interview with a radio in Halle (every day around 18.00 Radio Corax in Halle calls one of the artists of the festival to have a talk), had welcomed Charles, who had come from Paris to visit the festival; and this all turned the gallery into a living room somewhere in Friedrichshain.

The doors will be open every day from 12.00 onwards, and will close at monday, maybe around midnight.


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